In simplest terms, You are always exactly where you need to be. Always. You have everything you need to take the next step forward. You may not be able to see the whole path, but if you can see the next step, you can take it.
Just. One. Step.
This is a new era of creativity and development. Not all of the old rules apply. In fact, most don't. We're finding our way through to the next level together, one step at a time, and sometimes it's messy. Sometimes it's confusing. Sometimes it feels embarrassing.
Drop the stress now.
Here is my promise to you. If you stop comparing yourself to others, you will immediately drop tons of weight on your shoulders. If you stop comparing yourself to where you think you should be, and you'll drop another load.
Trust the universe. The space between those flashes of excellence and beauty are not always pretty. Not in anyone's life. If you can focus on closing the gap between those flashes of brilliance just a little bit every day, before you know it, you'll be living the charmed life, in a creative flow.
Will it be an easy life? No. You will still have to work hard. But it's a whole lot easier than keeping up appearances and swallowing all of your shame and disappointment because things didn't go the way you planned. And it's infinitely easier than judging yourself for not being where you think you should be.
So the next time you find yourself comparing, here are 3 things to remember.
Don't buy into the images. You never know what's going on behind the scenes. Those who seem to have it all together often have the scariest skeletons.
You are always exactly where you're supposed to be. You are always perfectly positioned for your own growth and progress. Rather than trying to figure out why me, simply take the next step you can take.
You are infinite awareness. Any problem you could possibly encounter is entirely outmatched when you connect with your divine nature, with a Self that has never been hurt and needs no improvement. You are embodied brilliance. Your purpose is not something you make up, but is something you're made of. Your profile, that unique pattern being projected all around you, carries your soul signature. Whatever is missing is what you're not giving. You generate everything you need, no matter what your circumstances. Here are a few questions to reflect upon:
Where are you comparing yourself with others in your life?
Where are you comparing yourself with your own image of success and where you should be?
Who would you be if you stopped comparing yourself today?